The Foundations of the Gift of Prophecy

When referring to prophetic ministry, I would like to say that this area of ministry is very vast in its operation. It would take quite a long time to compile an exhaustive study of this subject. So, I have decided to stick with some personal experiences and teachings the Lord gave me.

To be prophetic means to have the divine ability to discern the thoughts and intents of God’s heart and to express them. I believe a prophetic mantle rests upon the church at this time, enabling all of God’s people to prophesy. The book of Acts says that God will pour His Spirit upon all flesh, and “your sons and daughters shall prophesy.”

I believe that it is in God’s heart to raise His people to become prophetic so that if you ask any of them about what the Lord is doing in His church, they will be able to answer you with confidence and a clear understanding of what is happening at this time.


A Sonship Revolution

A Sonship Revolution

Are you willing to step into spiritual parenting to leave a legacy that will not be erased? A Sonship Revolution moves you from recognizing the great need for spiritual parents to investing yourself in the next generation and making an eternal difference.

David McDonald Ministries was created to equip and train generations in their gifting and calling. David and Dee McDonald believe in the five fold ministry as mentioned in Ephesians 4:11, namely apostles, prophets, evangelists pastors and teachers.

DMMI’s vision is to teach on the prophetic using prophetic schools.  David and his team travel to nations teaching and holding conference meetings and ministering to the body of Christ around the world.

David and Dee McDonald have dedicated their lives to build networks for the Kingdom.  David has traveled to over 40 nations, teaching and training church leaders.   DMMI has founded an apostolic school and is part of the North Charleston Apostolic Center.

David McDonald Ministries

Generational Leadership Course

Join Apostle David McDonald in a 6-session course for developing Generational Leadership.  Watch David in each video as he speaks of leadership through discipleship and discerning the gifting.  Gain instant access to all course materials – including the full e-course manual, powerpoint presentation and action steps to follow up for success.

Dr. Che Ahn

Dr. Ché Ahn

As the President and Apostle over an international network, Harvest International Ministry (HIM), and the founding Pastor of a growing local church, I have witnessed and can attest to the truth that everything rises and falls with leadership. There are few things more important than learning godly, healthy leadership, and discipleship because in truth we are all leading someone and something, including ourselves and our own lives. I believe that as you join David McDonald, an apostle in our HIM network, in his 6-session course, Generational Leadership, that you will begin to think beyond who and what you are leading in the now and enter into leading with the next generation in mind – expanding your impact and preparing a path for those who will walk in your footsteps.

Dr. Ché Ahn, President, Harvest International Ministry - Founding Pastor, HROCK Church, Pasadena, CA - International Chancellor, Wagner Leadership Institute