Breaking the Silence

Quite a strong statement!!

The world is watching and taking notice to all we do; success and failure. We’re in a season of change and I believe we need to become more intentional about our vision and purpose by using the tools God has given us. The time has come to break the silence of mediocrity by using the outworking of Gods glory. The time has come to build the Kingdom of God on earth.

It has become clear that the church has become so wrapped up in political correctness that we have forgotten the purpose of His Kingdom. Too many are corrupting the truth as we stay dormant to the cries of the nation.

In Matthew 28:18, Jesus breaks the silence of fear and doubt. He says all authority and power has been given to us. Jesus says go into all nations and make disciples…. What are we waiting for? It’s time for us to shine in the purpose and mandate of Heaven. When you read verses 16 & 17 you don’t see Jesus addressing the doubt, He only spoke the purpose. I think we spend so much time trying to deal with doubt that we lose momentum. Just keep speaking the purpose so we can keep the focus on the desired results.

Nehemiah is such an awesome example of somebody that knew his assignment, had the alignment and broke the silence of fear and doubt in the hearts of people that had been plundered by the enemy year after year.  They had lost most of their livelihood. Truth will always be ridiculed until it produces the fruit everybody needs. Find your passion, stick to your purpose and you will break the silence of fear, doubt, compromise and mediocrity.

Find your assignment by alignment! In other words, who’s thinking like you, who has the same heartbeat as you? If you’re not aligned correctly, your dreams, destiny and purpose will fail. Read Nehemiah!  He had to break the silence of a broken city, by finding his assignment in the purpose and in doing so aligned a broken scattered people. Once the city saw his passion and the results of his faith at work, it stirred them to action and in their cooperate alignment they were able to finish the wall all working together with a tool in one hand and a spear in the other.

WE must know our assignment, we must be aligned and we must use the power and authority to break the silence. I have learned that by breaking the silence we release our identity into the spirit realm and all the works of the enemy has to submit to the prophetic and apostolic authority that is released when we break the silence.

Every time we pray for the sick or prophesy, every time we operate out of the Kingdom authority, we are allowing Heaven to manifest. Your assignment today is to allow His Kingdom to come on earth as it is in Heaven.